Nuriawati Nuriawati, Sonia Puspita Dewi


Basically, a company is founded to get a profit or profit. The greater the demand, the greater the profit a company gets. The aim to be achieved in this study is to determine the marketing strategy carried out by the izzi bakery bakery company in the al-mashduqiah Islamic boarding school. The research methodology used was observation and interviews to obtain primary and secondary data. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the izzi bakery company had taken steps in implementing a marketing strategy, namely determining the target consumers for the lower middle class, identifying consumer desires by paying attention to taste, price, quality, and by continuing to develop bread with a look and various flavors. new, and the third step is the marketing mix which includes product, price, promotion and distribution. Thus, the conclusion drawn in this study is that the izzi bakery company has implemented a good marketing strategy in accordance with consumer desires through the products offered.

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