MANAJEMEN PELAYANAN JAMAAH HAJI (Studi Kasus di Pusat Layanan Haji dan Umrah Terpadu Kantor Kemenag Kraksaan)
This research aims to find out about the management of Hajj services at the Integrated Hajj and Umrah Service Center of the Kraksaan religious ministry, Probolinggo district. The research method used is a type of qualitative research. The data source used is primary data obtained from PHU staff. Data collection techniques
use technical documentation, observation, and interview techniques with informants, namely managers of the Hajj and Umrah organization and PHU officers. The results of the research show that the Hajj and Umrah management department at the Probolinggo Regency Ministry of Religion has a service that can make it easier for pilgrims to register, namely a one-stop service in collaboration with Bank Panin Dubai and Bank Mega. There are also service management principles that can be used as a reference in serving Hajj pilgrims. The general function of the Hajj service is to improve the service and implementation of the Hajj pilgrimage. After carrying out this research, it can be concluded that with Hajj service management, the activities or activities in the service can be well structured, so that prospective Hajj pilgrims feel comfortable.
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