Nur Syamsiyah, Nurul Ajizah, Risalatul Muawanah, Rizka Amalia, Muktasim Billah, M Syarif Hidayatullah, M Zakaria Ali


The Hajj pilgrimage is a worship that is highly desired by every Muslim, but carrying it out is not easy. Indonesia, which is a country where the majority of the population embraces Islam, where the people want to perform the Hajj pilgrimage, every year, the number of prospective pilgrims continues to increase. In Indonesia, the Hajj is managed by the government and the private sector. KBIHU (Hajj and Umrah Guidance Group) is a group that accommodates prospective Hajj and Umrah pilgrims to receive guidance on the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage. The great interest of Muslims in carrying out the Hajj pilgrimage is very welcomed by travelers in Indonesia. The large number of travel companies in Indonesia recruiting prospective pilgrims has become very tight competition. They compete in offering products so that people are interested in choosing travel. This research uses qualitative research. Qualitative research is research used to examine the conditions of natural objects, where the researcher is the key instrument. This research is a type of field research, that is, a location to observe, and which is carried out intensively, in detail about phenomena that occur in a particular community, organization or institution directly. Marketing strategy has an important role in the success of a company in achieving its stated goals. The results of the research are that KBIHU's strategy regarding marketing in attracting the interest of Hajj pilgrims is by sending invitations to prospective Hajj pilgrims. KBIHU asked the Ministry of Religion for congregation data including name, address, portion number and bank name of the registrant, then from this data KBIHU made an invitation accompanied by a schedule for the first day of the ritual

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