Etika Dalam Pelayanan Ibadah Umrah PT. Nur Haramain Mulia

Moh Affan, Inayatul Mufidah, Layli Rohmatillah, Mar’etus Sholeha, Noer Aida Fitriani, Sri Wahyuni DwiPutri


This study asserts that the ethical values in a company are regarded as a very crucial value for the enthusiasm of business activities. It will be a special force of a company and service. Thus, it becomes a stimulation in promoting the loyalty of umrah observance. This study is a field research, it  also combines with a qualitative approach. The qualitative aims to explain and describe how ethics work in providing the best services for performing umrah observance as the teaching of Islam that  PT. Nur Haramain Mulia  provides  to congregations. This study shows the ethical value of rendering services to umrah congregation that PT. Nur Haramain Mulia  applied. First, value of the honesty in any services given to consumers. Second, value of the responsibility in any implementations of consumer services (Umrah Congregation). Third, value of keeping promises in the pilgrim and umrah services. Fourth, value of the humility in serving the umrah congregations in terms of appreciation and policy. Fifth, professional grade in serving the umrah congregations from the style, language, and expertise in embarkation umrah congregations.

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