Sarifatul Lailiyah


The pilgrimage is a complex worship with all the sequences of activities in it, on the other hand the pilgrimage is the fifth pillar of Islam that must be carried out by Muslims. In pilgrimage there must be guidance because without guidance it will not be possible. And in pilgrimage anyone will definitely hope to become a mabrur pilgrimage. Minister of Religion Suryadharma Ali said the proclamation of the Hajj is the main thing in the pilgrimage. Therefore, the Hajj guidance officer must try to make the pilgrims achieve hajj mabrur, by providing good knowledge of the rituals of haj. It is indeed a matter of mabrur or not, God's business. From several Hajj Guidance Groups (KBIH), it was also found that services for prospective pilgrims with disabilities were felt to be not good and optimal, as there were no special officers for pilgrims with disabilities, special facilities and infrastructure to support the activities of pilgrims with disabilities. From research efforts to make pilgrims able to become mabrur pilgrims, and forms of guidance on rituals for pilgrims with disabilities and hopefully in the future it will be even better than before, to encourage supervisors to be even more enthusiastic so that the congregation will increase year after year.

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