Findi Oktaviani, Didin Chonyta


Hajj is intended to increase devotion and increase the spiritual values of the doer. However, some hajj and umrah travel companies also take advantage of this number of enthusiasts to improve services so that they can survive in the fierce competition. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the Hajj in order to describe the service strategies carried out in the Haj and Umrah travel companies. The research method used is a qualitative research method using secondary data in the form of data collected, processed, and presented by other parties in the form of previous research results related to Hajj and Umrah as well as service strategies in the Haj and Umrah travel agencies. The results of this study recommend a service strategy for the Haj and Umrah bureaus in the form of being friendly to prospective pilgrims, the appearance of the office must also look neat, but still unpretentious, provide the needed guidebooks, and provide a certified, competent and experienced supervisor, put up a board. advertisements in some places, as well as having branch offices in several regions and good relations with other travel parties.

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