Etos Kerja Karyawan di PT. Nur Haramain Mulia

Zainur Ridho, Hamdah Marzuqotun Kamilah, Elisa Kurrotun Nada


This paper examines the work ethic of employees at PT. Nur Haramain Mulia, where the work ethic of employees has an important role in a business venture. In intense business competition, superior companies are not only companies that have good managerial business criteria, but also companies that have good work ethics. The work ethic at PT. Nur Haramain Mulia, namely applying honesty because honesty is not just an attitude, but dignity, self-respect, and identity and nation, the second is humility, which is humility in all things, from behavior, speech or deed and the last is keeping promises. on what was promised. This study uses a qualitative case study type, with the research site at PT. Nur Haramain Mulia, Patokan, Kraksaan, Probolinggo, East Java. The results of this study indicate that the employee's work ethic is a tool to achieve goals and maintain company quality. This study aims to determine the work ethic of employees at PT. Noor Haramain Noble.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Hamdah Marzuqotun Kamilah, Elisa Kurrotun Nada