Moh Affan, Hamdah Marzuqotun Kamilah


This paper examines to determine the quality of services provided by PT. Nur Haramain Mulia to the congregation and what is the effect on registration decisions from the results of the quality of services that have been provided by PT. Nur Haramain Mulia, where service quality has an important role in a company. The services available at PT. Nur Haramain Mulia, namely: services during registration which include checking files, payment of advances, making passports, and for the pandemic period must be vaccinated. Services during Manasik which include assistance on explanations about worship, basic Arabic language learning, practice of manasik which is guided directly by kyai and nyai. Services from departure to return which include VIP facilities, and specifically post-covid provided Karangtina facilities, bus facilities from hotels to airports, hotels according to packages, tour guides who can speak Arabic and Madurese, and buffet dishes. Of the several services that have been provided by PT. Nur Haramain Mulia includes direct guidance from figures or kyai and nyai, courteous service, full time assistance, good, comfortable and appropriate facilities. Being one of the decisions of the congregation to choose PT. Noble Nur Haramain. This study uses a qualitative research type of case study, while the data collection technique is using direct interviews with the people concerned, with the research site at PT. Nur Haramain Mulia, Patokan, Kraksaan, Probolinggo, East Java. Service quality is an important thing in a company. Because good service will cause such a big impact on the company, especially in the business world in a company that has a lot of competition and in improving the image of the company itself.

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